Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

Master Guide 4 Monster Stories - Duel Terminal story yugioh

The Thereafter of the DT World
My name is “Steelswarm Roach”. In the last Great War, I managed to leave The Cycle with a tremendous power. I’m going to talk briefly about the fragments of events that happened later in the Surface World after that great final battle pitting the fate of every
living being against the Planet’s Creator God.
The Great War with the World on the Line
In order to stand against the powerful “Planetforger” who destroyed and recreated the world in an endless loop until her ideal world was formed, all the lives on the planet gathered together. And with the great acts by the two warriors who obtained just fragments of her power, she was finally defeated, and a new history began on the Surface World.
The Being Watching Over the World’s Path
(Steelswarm Sentinel -> Advance Zone -> Steelswarm Roach)
I was originally a sealed demon, but one day due to contact with a power that was not from this planet, I ascended to a higher level of being that stood outside the Cycle of Reincarnation. Ever since, I’ve been guided by that power to live a very long life as the observer to the path the world will take.

Saying Goodbye to the God’s Vestige
After defeating the “Planetforger”, “Sombress” and “Kerykeion” bid farewell to those who remained. I don’t know where they are headed to, but the fragments of power of the “Planetforger” residing within them probably led them to watch over the Surface World somewhere out there.
Those Carrying on the New World
The “Gishki” youths “Avance” and “Emillia” perform a central role in the group of youngsters tasked with building the new world because of their vast knowledge. They fought together with the Two Warriors, and came to said their goodbyes before the Two left the Surface World for good.

Those Who Obtained the Planet’s Power
In the deepest reaches of the Naturia Forests rests the World Tree, whose roots are said to reach the very core of the Planet itself. With its overflowing Planet Powers, I reached a new level of evolution. “Leo”, the Sacred Beast guarding the World Tree, achieved a form of the King of the Naturia Forest, “Leodrake” after he obtained the Planet’s Power like me.
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Even after obtaining my new power, I still perform my role as the World’s Watcher everyday. But, lately, it feels like something ominous is happening in the world again…
Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree
The strongest beast in the Naturia Forest. He doesn’t like fighting and usually spends his day in peace deep within the woods, but you could really see his leonine strength in the previous Great War.

The Little Protector in the Great Marshland
The Great Marshlands are home to many tribes. “Pirika” was born into the lineage of the Chief of the tribe that protected it. The staff she holds was passed down throughout the generations. The statue at the tip of the staff was carved on by the previous owner “Kamui”, as a memento to his fallen partner in the Great War.
Pirika, Lineage of Gusto: Descendent of Reeze and Kamui
Her hairband was given to her by her best friend from the “Gishki”. It can be seen as a symbol of the peace between the “Gusto” and “Gishki”, who had fiercely battled each other in the past.
Gusto Falco
“Kamui’s” partner. He was able to synchronize perfectly with “Kamui” and the two performed many great combo attacks together. However, he lost his life in the Great War while protecting “Kamui”.

The Hero’s Corpse and the Rampage of Power
It seems that “Crystal’s” core, which had stopped functioning after the Great War, began overloading due to the forced multiple Fusions he endured. The Core absorbed all light, and turned into an ominous form. Something like this has never happened before… Maybe this has something to do with that ominous feeling I’ve been sensing lately…
Gem-Knight Crystal
A commanding officer of the “Gem-Knights”, the main force in the Great War. He fused repeatedly to adapt to any situation in the battles, but eventually gave all his powers to “Sombress” and fell.

Where’d Sangan Go?
Everyone’s idol “Sangan” hasn’t been seen for a while! I got a request to good look for him, and obtained the information that he apparently went on a vacation to the Underworld and hasn’t returned since. Time to have a look over the evidence and witness testimony!
A Fun Underworld Trip
It seems like after a long time of pondering, Sangan finally decided to head to his roots, the Underworld. We have confirmed that he was last seen riding the Tour Bus from the Underworld which was departing for the Living World after sightseeing in the Underworld. Ms. “Tour Guide” remembers seeing him as well.
Tour Guide from the Underworld
She said: “He said very happily that he was ‘going home after changing buses!'”
Tragedy Strikes at Break Time
I have obtained this photograph from a traveler. It appears that he wanted to take a bus home after resting at the terminal, but got on the wrong bus.
This photograph captures the decisive moment of his disappearance. The bus you see way in the back is the bus that he should have gotten on.

The Fun Trip Turns Bad…
After searching for a while I managed to contact a passenger who met with him on that bus in the picture. Apparently he realized from the mood in the bus that he got on the wrong one, and got off somewhere along the way.
Tribe-Infecting Virus
The three of them said: “Seeing such a cute thing we’ve never seen before, we picked on him a little to tease him. He got off in a hurry so I guess we might have gone too far.”
Got off the Bus and Took a Shared Ride in a Taxi!!
According to the three’s witness accounts, after he got off the bus he shared a taxi ride with someone. I still have no idea where he is, but I promise I’ll continue looking and provide new information anytime something comes up.
Graceful Charity
It looks like he shared a ride with the “Angel” who lives in the Underworld. But where did they go…?
The Prank-Loving Denizens of the Dark
They lurk in the abandoned house on the outskirts of town, in the museum in the middle of the night, and occasionally even IN the town. And of course, some are waiting close by, just out of your sight. Here, we will show you profiles and glimpses of the daily life of these prank-loving spirits called “Ghostricks.”
Rumors of the Mansion on the Edge of Town
They say ghosts live in the mansion right outside the town, and they’ll play tricks on anyone who goes inside. In fact, the source of those rumors is the denizens of darkness themselves, the “Ghostricks” – they then look forward to pranking people lured to the mansion by those rumors. However, recently there aren’t many people who believe their rumor, so the mansion’s been a little lonely.
Ghostrick Alucard
Rather than a leader, he is more of a guardian figure who slips into the darkness and watches over the other “Ghostricks.” It seems he prefers quietly sleeping in his coffin to actually playing pranks himself.
Ghostrick Scare & Ghostrick Vanish
“Alucard” silently watches over “Specter” and “Lantern” as they attempt to surprise intruders.
The Ghosts Who Inhabit the Mansion
The name “Ghostrick” does not refer to a single type of creature, but to any member of the group of spirits from all kinds of places who came to end up in “Alucard’s” mansion. Each one has their own personal quirks and preferred methods of pranking, but the one thing they all share is “a love of tricks.”
Ghostrick Mansion
A glimpse into a midnight scene at “Alucard’s” mansion. Somehow “Stein” has gotten himself quite the scolding from “Witch,” but “Alucard” says “it’s nothing new.”
Ghostrick Specter
A ghost who loves to playfully frighten people lost in the mansion by suddenly popping out of the darkness. He’s always flying around the mansion looking for someone new to scare.
Ghostrick Lantern
“Specter’s” partner in crime, he too can be found flying around the mansion. Though the fact that he’s carrying a lantern doesn’t work too well with his partner’s preferred scare tactics…

Ghostrick Yuki-onna

If you ever feel a sudden chill out of nowhere, it’s her doing. She’s very quiet, and she’s well-liked by the rest of the mansion’s inhabitants as someone with a soothing presence.
Ghostrick Witch
She uses magic that drains opponents of their ability to move freely. She’s very strong-willed and isn’t afraid of anyone; apparently in one instance she got angry enough that even “Alucard” couldn’t stop her.
Ghostrick Stein
His job is to do all the heavy lifting for the setup of any tricks in the mansion. He doesn’t really know his own strength, though, and ends up breaking the furniture pretty often. He ends up getting scolded by “Witch” every time it happens, but even still…
Ghostrick Jiangshi
He’s always hopping around the mansion, on the lookout for intruders (i.e., prime targets), and lets the other “Ghostricks” know if he finds any.
(Yuki-onna & Stein)
To cheer up “Stein” after his scolding from “Witch,” “Yuki-onna” plays a little prank on him.
A Late-Night Ruckus at the Museum!!
When night falls at the town museum, the “Ghostricks” masquerading as exhibits begin to move about. When the sun comes up, some exhibits appear to have been moved, and others broken – perhaps this is a result of their frolicking?
Ghostrick Museum
A scene from a night when “Alucard” and the other mansion dwellers came to the museum. “Mummy,” in high spirits at the sight of these unexpected visitors, ended up breaking one of the exhibits, and is now getting a good scolding at the hands of “Witch.”
The Hero Who Guards the Museum
Some mornings, a thief will be found unconscious in the museum. Oddly, all of them claim “I was attacked by a ghost!”…
Ghostrick Dullahan
By day he masquerades as a suit of antique armor, but at night he shows his true colors as a veteran knight, acting as a leader figure for the other residents of the museum.

Those Who Inhabit the Museum

Of course, the “Ghostricks” living in the museum protected by “Dullahan” love to play pranks too. Actually, they even want to play pranks on daytime visitors, and are constantly itching to do so.
Ghostrick Jackfrost
Technically speaking, he is a frost spirit who disappears when the hot days of summer arrive. He came to settle down in the museum thanks to its effective, 24-7 A/C, and has been spending his days happily there ever since.
Ghostrick Mary
“Mary” is a ghost who haunts an old dresser on display in the museum. But it seems a spell has been cast on the dresser, so when night comes it moves around on its own – and she has no choice but to come along for the ride.
Ghostrick Nekomusume
She’s very helpful, and is always cleaning up after the pranks of the others. During the day she keeps watch around the museum in the guise of a human, and also acts as damage control if any of the others end up moving.
Ghostrick Mummy
Before coming to the museum, he spent thousands of years all alone, wishing for friends more than anything else. He reacted with similar excitement when “Alucard” and the mansion dwellers came to visit for the first time.
Ghostrick Skeleton
He’s not an exhibit in the museum himself, but he nonchalantly slips around the other exhibits. Although it seems nobody really notices, since he looks like an ordinary skeleton anyway.
Trouble at the Haunted House?!
At the town’s haunted house, the revolving door is moving on its own, and the doll set on display there has vanished! What could be the reason for these attractions starting up by themselves if they’re normally moved by hand…?
“Skeleton” got the idea to leave the museum and play a daytime prank…but he might have gotten a little ahead of himself and spun the revolving door too fast, sending his bones flying everywhere. “Nekomusume,” looking rather surprised, is cleaning up as usual.
Where Are They Now?! The Phantom “Ghostricks”
According to “Alucard’s” tale, “Ghostricks” even exist outside the town near his mansion. Right now it is unclear where they are, but we have tried to collect all of the information “Alucard” has given regarding them.
Ghostrick Ghoul
He was originally sleeping in the graveyard near “Alucard’s” mansion, but at some point it seems that he went off to some place unknown.
Ghostrick Yeti
A long time ago, when “Alucard” traveled to a snowy mountain, he encountered this yeti. It appears that “Yuki-onna” gave him one of her rabbit dolls because he seemed lonely.
“Ghostricks” Even in the Town
The “Ghostricks” don’t only thrive in deserted places like abandoned mansions and museums at night; some live unseen amongst humans as well. Among these outliers are the dream-manipulating demon “Succubus,” as well as the two “Ghostricks” living under her protection.
Ghostrick Succubus
When it seems like “Doll” or “Werewolf” has been found out by someone, she acts as backup by making them think the encounter was only a dream. Since she’s usually sleepy late at night, she plays pranks in the dreams of people taking afternoon naps.
Ghostrick Doll
A doll that has been possessed by a spirit, so that it can move. She lives in a young girl’s home, where she has been lovingly decorated. She feels awkward about playing pranks on this girl, so it seems that she usually stays quiet while in the house.
Ghostrick Werewolf
A peculiar “Ghostrick” who usually lives as an ordinary human and only plays pranks on the nights he transforms into a werewolf. He’s always looking forward to the next night with a full moon.
A Midnight Gathering of All the “Ghostricks”!
All of the “Ghostricks” have gathered in the town for a grand night parade! Of course this means they’re in plain sight, but since they’re having such a good time, people that see the festivities seem to think it must be something like a rehearsal for a town festival.
Ghostrick Parade
In the midst of the pranking going on all over town, “Stein” is carrying a snoozing “Succubus,” while “Werewolf” is getting a scolding from “Witch” for gnawing on “Skeleton.”
The “Ghostricks’” Test of Courage!!
A “Ghostrick”-only test of courage at night in the haunted house. The scarers’ side eagerly lies in wait for their chance to scare the challengers.
Ghostrick Night
The team of “Specter” and “Lantern,” terrified at whatever horrifying faces “Yuki-onna” and “Nekomusume” are making. And in the back, it seems “Skeleton’s” been whirled around a bit too much…

The Two Beautiful Potion Masters
“Alchemic Magician” and her rival “Slacker Magician” run a potion shop together. What’s happening to these two who used to be rivals right now, and what’s going to happen with “Alchemic Magician’s” acts of trying to help her best friend?
The Melancholy of the Popular Potion Masters
There used to be a time when we competed with each other to make new potions… Her mixing sense far surpasses mine, but because of her introverted personality, she just slacks around in her house all day now. My business is as good as ever, but it just feels like something’s missing with her being like that… What can I do to make her go back to her old energetic self again…
Alchemic Magician
A spellcaster who cheerfully brews potions in her shop. She’s worried about her school-days-rival and best friend “Slacker Magician”.
Slacker Magician
“Alchemic Magician’s” best friend. Her eccentric ideas and thoughts led to the creation of many new types of potions. Because of her introverted personality, she is currently avoiding people and researching at home.

It’s All For My Best Friend’s Future!!
I gotta get her outside and fix up that personality of hers… But no matter how many times I invite her, she won’t come outside – looks like I have to do it by force!!
Xyz Tribalrival
“Alchemic” barged into the home of “Slacker”. It seems like she is finally feeling her best friend’s worry, and began accepting orders for individual orders for potions.
Mysterious Medicines
She’s changed alright, but it seems like the change is that she’s gotten even gloomier than before… But her potions that make you energetic right away got really popular, even though the side effect is great. I wanna say I expected nothing less, but that potion seems to be really addictive even after one drink, is this really all right…?
She’s changed alright, but it seems like the change is that she’s gotten even gloomier than before… But her potions that make you energetic right away got really popular, even though the side effect packs a punch. I wanna say I expected nothing less, but that potion seems to be really addictive even after one drink – is this really all right…?
As soon as you drink this magical potion you can feel your body change right away, so it’s very popular with warriors and laborers.

The “Carnivore Forest” Search Log
There exists a forest that, at first glance, seems perfectly normal – but if you look into the data regarding that forest, you’ll find a surprising number of missing person cases that seem to be related to it. As a biologist, I decided to study this forest, and here I will record what I discovered – the existence of a group of organisms regarded as the cause for the many disappearances.
Strange Happenings in the Southern Part of the Forest
For several days I walked, unable to find anything regarding the mysterious cause of the disappearances, until one day when I caught a glimpse of a strange scene deep in the forest. Somehow, a group of very young girls had made their way into the middle of these woods, and they were beckoning me to come closer. Was this some sort of indigenous tribe? I decided to draw nearer in hopes of speaking with them, but…
Traptrix Atrax
A spider-like creature, who appears to act as a leader of the group of monsters I would later call “Traptrix.” If you come near her, she will bind you up with thread and prevent you from moving.
Traptrix Myrmeleo
A “Traptrix” that seems to have evolved into an antlion-like form. She goes around the forest digging “Trap Holes”, and then lies in wait for prey to fall in.
Traptrix Nepenthes
A “Traptrix” that seems to have evolved into a pitcher plant-like form. She lures in prey with a sweet scent. If you carelessly draw close, you’ll fall into her digestive juices.
Traptrix Dionaea
A new variety of “Traptrix” that appeared later on. It is wise to be careful when one is nearby, as it is common for many other “Traptrix” to live close to it.

What I Saw Was…
I heard a voice coming from a thicket close by, and went to see if I could get a glimpse of any other residents of the forest…and what I saw spread out before me was truly repulsive. It was the very girls (?) I had seen earlier – they were the ones responsible for the disappearance of so many people in this forest!!
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
Here the carnivorous banquet begins. These are giant, carnivorous organisms who trick men who wander into the forest with their innocent looks, then reveal their true motive to trap and devour their prey. As a result, I have decided to name these organisms “Traptrix.”
If You Encounter a “Traptrix”
If you happen to catch sight of one of these creatures, leave the area without getting close to it. If you do end up getting close, however, it’s no exaggeration to say you won’t get a chance to escape.
Eradicating Aerosol
As I attempted to flee, I was chased by the spider-type “Traptrix”, but because I possessed this powerful bug spray, I was able to escape without a problem.
Atlanteans/Mermails and Fire Kings

The Great Battle Storming between Fire and Water in the South Seas
The “Atlanteans” who wished to spread their dominance over not only the oceans, but also the surrounding land, and the “Fire Kings” who are defending their island against this aggression. The story of the fierce battles between these two forces, as well as the “Mermail” who were swept up into this war will all be revealed here!
The Greedy Ruler of the Seas
Their endless desire to rule drove the “Atlanteans” to spread their forces not only in the oceans but also the land. Their assault continued undeterred and already ruled much of the Southern Landscape. With their influence and power spread this wide, they began preparations to attack their long-standing enemies the “Fire Kings” in their home volcano regions.
Poseidra the Atlantean Dragon
The “Atlantean” ruler driven by his endless greed. He created the “Atlatean” army to satisfy his desire to expand his territory. Legendary Atlantean Tridon preyed upon Lost Blue Breaker and grew into Poseidra.

Assault of the “Atlantean” Troops
The cunning “Atlanteans” started their assault on the areas inhabited by those without much power. After absorbing these lands into their territory and gaining more power, they attacked other weak areas again, repeating this process many times to strenghthen their territory. When those who lived nearby caught on to what was going on, it had already turned into a problem that could not be solved easily.
Atlantean Roar
With “Poseidra’s” roar as the signal, the “Atlantean” army began their assault. This roar instilled fear into his own ranks, reminding those who feared death that there was no turning back.

Those who Protected the Sanctuary
The “Fire Kings” protected a lone island on which a live volcano which is both their sanctuary and their home. When they battle, their bodies flared up to their limits, burning up their own bodies in the process. However, from within those flames they reincarnate, and managed to continue battling time and time again without losing.
Fire King High Avatar Garunix
A Divine Bird who boasts the most intense flames even among the sanctuary-protecting “Fire Kings”. He can create a sea of flames to scorch away any intruders who dare to set foot in the sanctuary.
Yaksha, Barong and Kirin
The sanctuary guardians following “Garunix’s” lead. Even if their bodies disappear in battles, their spirits live on, and their flame power and souls are inherited by the next “Fire King”.

The “Fire Kings” and “Atlanteans” Clash
After expanding their territory further and futher, the “Atlanteans” have finally reached the “Fire Kings'” island, and began their assault. Against such an immense army, “Garunix” burned himself to his limits to incinerate many of them. Against the “Fire Kings” who sacrificed their very own bodies to resist, the “Atlanteans” could do nothing but retreat.
High Tide on Fire Island
On the command of “Poseidra’s” roar, the “Atlantean” vanguards tried to invade the island. Against this assault, “Garunix’s” body turned golden, and started assaulting from above.
Fire King Avatar Garunix
“Garunix” returned to the volcano to reincarnate itself after its body was incinerated into nothing.

The Metropolis Surfaces from the Deep Sea
One day, due to tectonic movements, a part of land that was at the bottom of the sea appeared in the surface. This land was “Lemuria”, a highly advanced civilization in the past. The Surface World called this the discovery of the century, but to the “Mermail” who have made the sunken “Lemuria” their home, this meant that their home was suddenly taken from them.
Lemuria the Forgotten City
A glorious city with a highly advanced civilization and technological advancements. In the longs distant past in sunk into the ocean because of tectonic movements, and its name was only passed down through folk tales.
The Residents of “Lemuria”, the “Mermail”
A tribe that lived in the seas near “Lemuria” long before it sank into the ocean. Although fighting off enemies is hard, they have finally found a resting place in the sunken “Lemuria”.
The Legendary Tribe Told in Folklore
The residents of water, “Mermail”, which also appeared in the folklores about “Lemuria”. They have fearsome powers, but they do not like fighting, so aside from some members of the Imperial Guards, they take on appearances similar to that of humans. However, once they have made a determination to fight, they will don mana-infused armor to defeat their enemies with unmatched power.
What happens when the “Mermail” reveal just a part of their power. Even someone who looks young and helpless like “Abyssdine” is merciless in battles. The “Mermail” have great power even without their weapons.

“Mermail” Treasure
In addition to the three mana-infused armors, there apparently is another treasure that the “Mermails” guard. It is said that whosoever wields this treasure will be able to rule over them as their king.
The “Mermail” King and the Legend of the Bracelet
Usually, the “Mermails” are led by their queen “Abysstrite” with their king nowhere to be seen. Some say that the person who manages to obtain a certain bracelet will become the “Mermail” king, but no one except the queen knows where that bracelet is.
Mermail Abysstrite
The only being who knows the location of the bracelet which grants immeasurable power. Rumor has it that it’s hidden somewhere in “Lemuria”, but because “Lemuria” has surfaced, she no longer knows the exact location of the bracelet.

The Stolen Treasure and Advent of the King
The “Atlanteans” hearing the rumors, used the turmoil from the surfacing to steal the bracelet and control the “Mermail”. Using the “Mermail” as vanguards in the assault against the “Fire Kings”, the battle was turning in their favor. However, getting too full of himself, “Poseidra” put on the bracelet, and instantly his body began to change, and the “Mermail” King spoken of in legends appeared.
The power of the bracelet is great, with it the “Atlanateans” summoned a downpour, robbing the “Fire Kings” of their power. As well, those who dared to disobey were reduced to bubbles in the ocean…
Mermail Abyssgaios
“Poseidra’s” body was taken over by the king residing in the bracelet. The king eliminated the “Atlantean” army with ease. It appears that “Abysstrite” sealed the bracelet away because the advent of the king required a sacrifice.

The Maiden Exiled from Paradise
Many treasures were taken from God’s Treasure Room. Who is this woman who has taken so many treasures? Why is she doing this? What will her fate be now that she has repeatedly performed this forbidden act? The answer to all these will be answered here.
She who has tasted the Joy of the Forbidden
Maybe it was because her hardship-filled every day left her tired, but one of the Holy Maidens living in Paradise took one of God’s Treasures from His Treasure Room when she accidentally went inside. Putting her lips on the “Chalice” sent a joy throughout her entire body that she has never felt before. After that, she snuck into the Treasure Room every once in a while to sneak out a Treasure, knowing full well that it is an expressedly forbidden act.
The Taken Treasures
The treasures she snuck out aside from the joy-inducing “Chalice” included the “Lance” capable of slicing through any type of demonic power, and the “Dress” capable of warding disasters and destruction away from its wearer. Of course, God has taken notice.

Wrath of God and the Fallen Holy Maiden
She snuck into the Treasure Room on another day like usual to find her next target, not knowing that this was the God’s last chance given to her. Her blasphemous acts angered God greatly, and the Maiden was banished from paradise.
Forbidden Tome
She found a certain book in the Treasure Room. It was a book of prophecies written by God Hiimself, and is the original text of a certain holy book worshipped around the world.
Forsaken Maiden
The tragic end of someone who kept herself pure for the service of God. She will not be forgiven until the Divine Powers residing within her completely fade away, as punishment for touching the Treasures. She continues to wander the world until then…
Mecha Phantom Beasts

Decoys Freed From the Limits of Physical Bodies
The advanced technology of the Mecha Phantom Beasts includes quantum-output machines. The decoys created by these machines are nearly indistinguishable from the original on radar and are said to be so efficient at drawing away fire, that as long as a single decoy has been deployed, the original machine cannot be shot down.
Because of their mechanism that generates illusions indistinguishable from their actual bodies, even by mechanical measurements, as well as their forms which resemble various animals, these war machines are known as “Mecha Phantom Beasts.”
Do a Barrel Roll
By doing a barrel roll while emitting a ton of decoys, they can even dodge a missile salvo. Instead of using camoflague and different paint coatings which is common sense for dogfights, you’re going to need be able to effeciently destroy their decoys without wasting too many resources if you want to fight a “Mecha Phantom Beast”.

The First Generation Mecha Phantom Beasts
Equipped with devices to generate decoys, these were the first combat-ready “Mecha Phantom Beast”. Though there was some exploration into how to use the decoys for something than evasion, since they are lumps of quantum energy, these aircraft ultimately used them mostly for protecting themselves and taking control of the air in the midst of aerial combat.
Other MPB pics:

The Second Generation Mecha Phantom Beasts
Moving on to the next generation, new tactics involving the decoys were studied and analyzed. As well, a new aircraft design concept called “Concuruda” was designed, capable of protecting the formerly throwaway decoys, while also using the energy of the decoys to move at supersonic speeds to avoid attacks. The second generation of “Mecha Phantom Beasts” is characterized by this diversity in tactics.
Mecha Phantom Beast Harrliard
Mecha Phantom Beast Turtletracer
Mecha Phantom Beast Coltwing
Mecha Phantom Beast Blue Impala
Mecha Phantom Beast Aerosguin
The airship-style “Mecha Phantom Beasts” with wings serve as testbeds for various tactics and strategies.
Mecha Phantom Beast Concoruda
Sonic Boom
It’s capable of converting the decoys into energy to perform a suicide attack that breaks the sound barrier. However, the risks to Concoruda are immense, as the burden on the aircraft is immense, enough that it causes it to self destruction.

The Third Generation “Mecha Phantom Beasts”
Mecha Phantom Beast Sabre Hawk
Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
This generation developed large-scale and high-powered “Mecha Phantom Beasts”. Basically, it was based on the premise that decoys would help protect otherwise disadvantaged large-sized aircraft in aerial combat, but because it was found that a large number of small aircraft being used at once was more effect, later “Mecha Phantom Beasts” didn’t follow this line of thinking.
Space Based “Mecha Phantom Beasts”
Space agencies had their eyes on the energy efficiency of the quantum decoys. As a result, “Mecha Phantom Beasts” were developed for use in outer space. After launching from the surface, they produce a decoy (which is a mass of quantum energy) and use them for extra-vehicular activities.
Mecha Phantom Beast Warbluran
The first “Mecha Phantom Beast” sent into space. Its purpose is to verify the usage and application of the decoys in outer space.
Mecha Phantom Beast Olion
By converting the energy stored inside it (done so via its Solar Panels) to generate a decoy, it ensures the safety of Extra-Vehicular Activities.

The Final Stage of “Mecha Phantom Beast” Development
After the lessons of the third generation, the “Mecha Phantom beast” forces evolved in a direction to increase the use of small, speed aircraft. The “Enterprisenir” was developed as their flagship aircraft carrier, and now with an aircraft carrier to work from, allowing for a variety of missions, they can now be considered a proper fighting force.
Mirage Fortress Enterprisenir
The first aircraft carrier capable of flying in the air, it’s armed high-output engines that are the best of the best at collecting the quantum energy of the decoys
Vertical Landing
Scramble, Scramble!!
Aerial Recharge
Many of the “Mecha Phantom Beasts” operate off of “Enterprisenir”. The course of history was changed as a result of this decoy generation technology developed to make evasion easier, and quantum technology will continue to evolve.
Spellbook/Prophecy pics (translation to come):

The Wisdom of the Latest Magical Research and the Fate of One Boy
It’s said there is not a person in the study of magic who doesn’t know the name of “Le Maison”, the “Grand Spellbook Tower”. We’re going to publish a story about this place covering the state-of-the-art magitech wonders of this place, how that technology triggered a war that it ended up getting caught up in, and the story of a single boy who walked the path of a rather strange and peculiar fate!!
The Educational and Research Institute “La Maison”
The Educational and Research Institute “La Maison”, the “Grand Spellbook Tower” is a place that has produced top-notch Spellcasters in a wide range of fields, from combat to technological research. At this place exists a large collection of “Spellbooks”, filled to the brim with the wisdom accumulated through many years of research, and some these tomes are available to the average Spellcaster.

The “Spellbooks” Use Magic As A Means To Record Information

Inside “La Maison”, who holds a vast number of “Spellbooks”, wisdom is recorded using magic itself as the means of recording. A Crest-Type Computer Terminal has been developed to let visitors extract data, which uses certain technology to transmit and actualize that data.
The “Spellbook Libraries” of Light and Darkness
The Spellbook Libraries contain the accumulated wisdom of “La Maison” in the form of magic. “Solein”, also known as the Heliosphere, contains the magic of Light, while “Crescen”, also known as the Crescent, contains the magic of Darkness. Although they are called “Libraries”, they do not contain books made of paper.
Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere
This library contains “Spellbooks” chiefly for pure informationn, read by the average spellcaster, containing information on history, medicine, and basic technology.
Spellbook Library of the Crescent
This library contains a permanent collection of “Spellbooks” that no one but members of “La Maison” can access, such as combat technoloogy and life quests.
Administrator of the “Spelbook Libraries”
Typically, the hand-held index “Grimo”, known as the “Spellbook of Secrets” is required to search for and through “Spellbooks” without much actual information. However, since the administrator of the “Libraries”, “Batel” has the contents of the entire facility recorded in his photographic memory, he can can actualize any “Spellbook” using his own magical power.

The Magical Stones at the Heart of “La Maison”
There is a reason the “Spellbooks” uses magic as the medium of recording information. The amount of information “La Maison” is mindbogglingly huge, and in the past, there were many times were information was not updated when they were recorded on mere paper. Magical Stones capable of absorbing magic was developed in order to deal with this issue, collecting the magic of every “Spellbook” used, along with who used them. This allows information to be smoothly updated by feeding it back directly into “The Libraries”.
The Mysterious Hall “Etoile”
A giant magical stone is enshrined in the center of the hall “Etoile”. The magical power and usage history of the “Spellbooks” which is collected outside in the air is accumulated here.
The Magical Feedback System of “Le Maison”
Users of the Magical Terminals
(High Priestess of Prophecy, Emperor of Prophecy, Amores of Prophecy)
\/ Magic is collected after being activated
The Magical Stones That Collect Magic (Located orbiting the top of Le Maison)
\/ Accumulation
Spellbook Star Hall (a.k.a. Etoile) (Located at the bottom of Le Maison)
\/ Updates using the collected magic recorded in the feedback
(Data is Stored)
(Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere, Spellbook Library of the Crescent) (Located in the middle of Le Maison)
\/ (The Data is retrieved)
(Repeat from Users)
Belief of the King of the “Magical Citdael”
The King of the Magical Citadel believed that “Magical Knowledge should be controlled, and only be used effectively”, feared the expanding power of “Le Maison” which handed out such knowledge willy-nilly, decided that he should take control of “La Maison”.
Magical Citadel of Endymion
Magical Knowledge in Endymion is controlled by the administrative system of the city, with the Master Magician, the King, in charge of it. Magical researchers cannot study freely, but their social status is guaranteed.
Endymion the Master Magician
Crusader of Endymion
Defender, the Magical Knight

This is the king, Endymion, who bears the name of the Magical Citadel, and his bodyguards. Instead of using magical terminals that only a few can operate, he and his men use magic via stones made from crystallized magical energy. The city adopted this system so that even those without magic could receive its benefits.

The Talented but Carefree Boy “Mat”

The boy “Mat” (known as the Fool of Prophecy) was enrolled as a member of one of the advanced laboratories of “Le Maison”, and while he was considered qualified to view the higher class “Spellbooks” via the authorization of “Hieron” (The Hierophant of Prophecy) and “Trice” (The Empress of Prophecy), the two administrators of “Le Maison”, due to his natural talent, he spent most of his days carefree, never using a Magical Computer Terminal of his own.
Fool of Prophecy
Living without any goals in mind or particular cares, he was considered to be the very opposite of everything that “Le Maison” stood for.
The “Endymion” Army Invades!!
One a day like any other that Mat spent doing nothing at all, the Endymion army attacked “Le Maison:”. “Le Maison” was unable to do anything in the face of “Endymion’s organized, systematic attack.
Spellbook of Fate
The magic of individual members of Le Maison’s staff is very strong, but they’re not very good at fighting in a group, and their combat related magic generally isn’t that great either.
The Forbidden Book Is Unleashed
While many sacrificed their lives, “Mat” got his hands on a Magical Terminal for the first time and searched for power. He accessed the “Sefer”, pulling out whatever he could, but what he didn’t know is that a wicked magic sealed away since an ancient invasion had been waiting to break free from its seal via one of the “Spellbooks”.
Spellbook of the Master
The dark magic slipped out of the forbidden book and into the boy who had secretly accessed “Sefer”. The magic sensed the incredible power “Mat” possessed and began corrupting him in order to take over his body and soul.
The Spreader of Death “La Mort”
The magic sealed inside “Sefer” corrupted “Mat”, turning him into a wicked sorcerer. He began to spread death to all those around him, regardless of them being friend or foe.
Reaper of Prophecy
His scythe is capable of reaping the life of anyone in a single swing. The battlefield turned into mass chaos, While he caused the “Endymion” military to retreat due to the serious losses they took, the boy faced death due to the rampaging magic.
The Boy Who Became An “Angel”
“La Mort”, on driven to the verge of death, could not withstand the corruption of the Dark Magic. “Hieron” and “Trice”, who refused to just stand there and watch him died, entrusted him with the Ritual “Judgment” which could destroy darkness and save the pure. He ended up being saved, as the dark magic that had corrupted him was cast out of him, and the Holy Magic that existed inside of him was amplified.
Spellbook of Judgment
Spellbook of Miracles
World of Prophecy

At the end of the violent conflict of Holy and Wicked Magic inside him, Mat miraculous revived. His body divinely changed from “Reaper”, the embodiment of death”, transcending into that of an “Angel” capable of controlling the Four Elementals of “Earth”, “Water”, “Fire” and “Wind”.

Resource: ygorganization

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